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Rymy z podziałem na literę

a...: abbrewiator, abduktor, adaptator, adduktor, adiafor, adiustator, administrator, admirator, adorator, aerator, Agenor, agitator, agor, agregator, agresor, akcelerator, akceptor, akompaniator, aktor, aktywator, aktywizator, akumulator, akuzator, alarmator, albakor, aligator, alimentator, alternator, amator, ambasador, amfor, amor, amortyzator, amplifikator, anafor, analizator, Andor, anemochor, angor, animator, antecesor, Antenor, antychlor, antydetonator, Apator, apelator, aplikator, aprowizator, archaizator, argumentator, armator, artykulator, asekurator, asenizator, asesor, aspirator, asymilator, atanor, Atenodor, athanor, atomizator, augustdor, Auror, auskultator, autokrator, autotransformator, awiator,

b...: bachor, bajor, balneator, bandzior, baroreceptor, basior, Bator, behawior, beletryzator, benefaktor, bezkolor, Bianor, biochor, biokatalizator, biomotor, biostabilizator, bisior, blastopor, Blizbor, bodor, Bodzepor, Bolbor, Bolebor, bor, Bosfor, Bożebor, bucior, bufor,

c...: Cecor, centralizator, charakteryzator, chemizator, chemoreceptor, chlamidospor, chlor, chlorator, Chociebor, chromatofor, chromofor, Cibor, cibor, ciecior, Cieszybor, Cieszygor, confiteor, cykor, cystofor, cywilizator, cyzelator, Czabor, czador, Czarnohor, Czcibor, Czębor, Częstobor, Czścibor,

d...: Dalebor, Dalegor, Dalibor, debitor, Debor, decymator, defekator, defensor, defibrator, defibrylator, defilator, definitor, deflator, deflegmator, deflektor, degazator, degustator, dehydrator, dejonizator, dekantator, dekapilator, deklamator, deklinator, dekompresor, dekomunizator, dekonstruktor, dekor, dekorator, dekortykator, delator, demaskator, demistyfikator, demodulator, demonstrator, demoralizator, demotywator, demulgator, denaturator, denitryfikator, denuncjator, depilator, depolaryzator, deprawator, destabilizator, destruktor, destylator, destynator, deszyfrator, detektor, detonator, dewastator, dewiator, dezintegrator, dezodoryzator, dezynfektor, dezyntegrator, diafor, dializator, diaspor, Diodor, Dior, diplopor, direktor, doktor, Domabor, domator, donator, donor, Dor, dozator, duktor, dyktator, dyrektor, dysektor, dyshonor, dyskryminator, dyspergator, dysputator, Dziebor, Dziwigor,

e...: echolokator, ecydiospor, edukator, efektor, efor, egzaktor, egzaminator, egzospor, ejektor, ekranizator, eksaktor, ekscerptor, ekscytator, ekskawator, ekspandor, eksperymentator, ekspiator, eksploatator, eksplorator, ekstensor, eksterminator, eksteroreceptor, ekstraktor, ekstynktor, ekstyrpator, eksykator, Ekwador, ekwator, ekwiwalentor, elektor, elektrofor, elektroinstalator, elektrometeor, elektromotor, elektrostymulator, elektryzator, Eleonor, elewator, eliminator, emitor, empor, emulator, emulgator, emulsor, endospor, epanafor, epifor, error, eskalator, estymator, Excelsior, eżektor,

f...: fabrykator, faktor, Falibor, falsyfikator, fascynator, fermentator, fermentor, ferrofosfor, fetor, filofor, filtrator, Fiodor, firmator, flegmatyzator, fleksor, flokulator, flor, Flor, fluidyzator, folklor, fonoamator, for, fortyfikator, fosfor, fotoamator, fotodetektor, fotoluminofor, fotometeor, fotoreceptor, fotosensybilizator, fructidor, fumator, fundator, funktor, furor,

g...: Gabor, galwanizator, gazogenerator, gąsior, generalizator, generator, germanizator, gestykulator, gęsior, gladiator, gloryfikator, glosator, gomor, granulator, gubernator, gwiazdor,

h...: Hasior, Hektor, Helidor, heliodor, Heliodor, heliofor, herboryzator, hikor, homogenizator, honor, honoracjor, hor, horror, humanizator, humidor, humor, hydroelewator, hydrofor, hydrogenerator, hydrolokator, hydrometeor, hydromonitor, hydromotor, hymenofor,

i...: identyfikator, Igor, iluminator, ilustrator, imitator, immunizator, imperator, impregnator, impresor, improwizator, impulsator, inaktywator, indagator, indor, induktor, indykator, informator, inhalator, inhibitor, inicjator, iniektor, inklinator, inkubator, innowator, inscenizator, inseminator, inspektor, inspirator, instalator, instruktor, instrumentator, instygator, insynuator, integrator, interior, interoreceptor, interpelator, interpretator, introduktor, introligator, inwentaryzator, inwentor, inwersor, inżektor, irygator, Izbor, izochor, izolator, Izydor,

j...: Jegor, jezior, jędor, jonizator, jor, junior, juror,

k...: kalafaktor, kalafior, kalefaktor, kalibrator, kalifaktor, kalikator, kalkulator, kaloryzator, kalumniator, kalwakator, kamelor, kamfor, kamor, kanalizator, kanefor, kantor, kapeador, karbonizator, karboryzator, karburator, karburyzator, kardiomonitor, kardiostymulator, kastrator, katalizator, katodoluminofor, kawalkator, kawior, kawitator, kędzior, kinooperator, kizior, kladofor, klamor, klangor, klasyfikator, klimatyzator, koagulator, Kociebor, kodyfikator, kolaborator, kolator, kolektor, kolimator, kolokator, kolonizator, kolor, koloryzator, komandor, kombinator, komendator, komentator, komodor, komondor, kompandor, komparator, kompensator, kompilator, komprador, kompresor, komunikator, komutator, koncentrator, kondensator, kondensor, kondor, konduktor, konfabulator, konfesor, konfiskator, kongelator, konidiofor, konidiospor, koniunktor, konkwistador, konrektor, konsekrator, konsenior, konserwator, konspirator, konstruktor, konsultor, kontaktor, kontemplator, kontestator, kontor, kontratenor, kontrolor, kontynuator, konwektor, konwiktor, kooperator, koordynator, koprocesor, kor, korektor, korelator, koronator, koruptor, kosior, kotonizator, kreator, krioekstraktor, krystalizator, Krzysztopor, kultywator, kunktator, kupror, kurator, kursor, kwalifikator, kwantyfikator, kwashiorkor, kwasziorkor,

l...: labrador, lakrymator, laktator, laminator, latynizator, laudator, legalizator, legator, legislator, lektor, Leonor, licytator, liktor, likwidator, liofilizator, litometeor, lokalizator, lokator, Lor, lor, Lubor, luidor, luminator, luminofor, lustrator, Lutobor,

m...: macerator, machinator, machor, macior, madrepor, magnetyzator, major, makrospor, mandragor, manipulator, mantikor, mantykor, marmoryzator, matador, Mącibor, mechanizator, mechanoreceptor, mediator, megaspor, Melchior, melchior, meliorator, melodeklamator, menor, mentor, merkator, metafor, meteor, mezotor, mikroflor, mikromanipulator, mikrometeor, mikroprocesor, mikroreaktor, mikrospor, Miłobor, mineralizator, miniator, minikalkulator, Minodor, minor, mipor, mistyfikator, modelator, moderator, modernizator, modulator, modyfikator, monitor, monochromator, monsinior, mor, moralizator, motor, motoreduktor, motywator, Mścibor, muchomor, multiplikator, multiwibrator, multyplikator, murator, Mylibor, Myślibor,

n...: Nabor, Nadbor, nadgubernator, nadinspektor, nadkonduktor, nadprokurator, napoleondor, narrator, Nasiębor, nawigator, nebulizator, negator, negocjator, neokolonizator, neuromediator, neutralizator, Nicefor, Niebor, niehonor, niehumor, niesfor, Niesiebor, nieszpor, Nikanor, Nikifor, nitrator, nitryfikator, niwelator, nomenklator, nor, Nor, normalizator, nowator, nowelizator, numerator,

o...: obdżektor, oberkonduktor, oberprokurator, obserwator, ofensor, okulizator, ondulator, operator, optymalizator, optymizator, orator, ordonator, ordynator, organizator, orkiestrator, oscylator, Osiębor, outdoor, ozonator, ozonizator,

p...: pacyfikator, paginator, paletyzator, Pandor, panor, paralizator, passiflor, pasteryzator, paździor, pelengator, perceptor, perforator, perkolator, perlator, perlustrator, peror, pikador, pionizator, pisior, plagiator, planifikator, plantator, plastyfikator, pneumatofor, podinspektor, podkor, podor, podprokurator, polaryzator, polemizator, Polidor, polonizator, polor, pomidor, Pomścibor, ponor, popularyzator, por, posesor, postulator, powielator, półkolor, preceptor, prekursor, prenumerator, preparator, preselektor, prestidigitator, pretor, prior, procesor, Prochor, profanator, profesor, programator, projektor, prokurator, promotor, propagator, propinator, propretor, proprioceptor, proprioreceptor, prorektor, prosektor, prosfor, protektor, protraktor, prowokator, prozator, prożektor, prywatyzator, Przebor, Przedbor, Przemyślibor, przeor, przetor, przezior, Przybor, przypor, Przysnobor, publikator, pulsator, pulweryzator, punktor, puryfikator,

r...: Racibor, racimor, racjonalizator, racymor, radiator, radioamator, radiofonizator, radiofosfor, radiolokator, radionawigator, radiooperator, radiopelengator, radiostymulator, rafinator, rankor, raptor, Ratibor, reaktor, realizator, reanimator, reasekurator, receptor, recytator, redaktor, redemptor, reduktor, reedukator, reflektor, reformator, refraktor, regenerator, regestrator, registrator, regulator, rehabilitator, rejestrator, rekomendator, rekonstruktor, rekryminator, rektor, rektyfikator, rekuperator, relator, renowator, reorganizator, reparator, reperator, replikator, reproduktor, resor, respirator, restaurator, retor, rewelator, rezonator, rokfor, rotator, rotor, rubrykator, rumor, rusyfikator, rygor, ryzofor,

s...: saflor, Salvador, Salwador, salwator, Salwator, Sambor, sambor, sanator, sapor, Sator, saturator, scriptor, seduktor, segregator, sekator, sektor, sekwestrator, selektor, selfaktor, semafor, senator, senior, sensor, sensybilizator, separator, serwitor, serwomotor, sfor, Sieciebor, signor, sikor, skaryfikator, skrutator, skryptor, skulptor, Sławobor, Sobiebor, sokor, solicytator, sopor, spektator, spekulator, speleoflor, splendor, sponsor, spor, stabilizator, Stanibor, stanislador, stator, Stentor, stereokomparator, sterylizator, stępor, stresor, stridor, Strogobor, stromatopor, Strzebor, stupor, stygmator, stylizator, stymulator, styropor, sublokator, sukcesor, Sulibor, sumator, supergwiazdor, superior, surogator, suspensor, sygnalizator, sykomor, symulator, synchronizator, synoptofor, syntetyzator, syntezator, szczypior, sztukator, szyfrator,

t...: tabor, tabulator, taksator, tambor, tambormajor, tamburmajor, taryfikator, tatuator, Taylor, technicolor, technikolor, teleceptor, Telesfor, tenor, tensor, tentator, Teodor, termidor, terminator, termoakumulator, termofor, termoizolator, termolokator, termoreceptor, termoregulator, termowentylator, terror, testator, thermidor, Thor, Tibor, tor, toreador, torreador, totalizator, touroperator, traduktor, traktor, trankwilizator, transduktor, transfokator, transformator, translator, tremor, trepanator, triangulator, trifor, triumfator, trochofor, tryumfator, Trzebiebor, Tudor, tumor, turbator, turbogenerator, turbokompresor, turboreaktor, turbowentylator, turbulator, turgor, tussor,

u...: umor, undulator, unifikator, utylizator, uzurpator,

w...: walor, wapor, wątor, wektor, welomotor, wentylator, wersor, wersyfikator, weryfikator, Wiator, wibrator, wicedyrektor, wicegubernator, wicekurator, wiceprokurator, Wielebor, więcior, wigor, wiktor, Wiktor, wildamor, windykator, wior, wisior, wizytator, Włościbor, wobulator, Wojbor, Wolebor, współfundator, współlokator, współorganizator, współrealizator, współredaktor, współsukcesor, wstęgor, Wszebor, wulgaryzator, wulkanizator, wycior, wysfor, Wyszebor,

z...: zacior, zadzior, zakapior, zaor, zapor, zator, Zdzibor, Zdziebor, zelator, zmor, znachor, zoospor, zygospor,

ś...: Ścibor, Świętobor,

ż...: żelazofosfor,

Rymy z podziałem na liczbę znaków

3: bor, Dor, for, hor, jor, kor, Lor, lor, mor, nor, Nor, por, tor,

4: agor, amor, Dior, efor, flor, Flor, Igor, sfor, spor, Thor, umor, wior, zaor, zmor,

5: aktor, amfor, Andor, angor, Auror, bajor, Bator, bodor, bufor, Cecor, chlor, Cibor, cibor, cykor, Debor, dekor, donor, empor, error, fetor, furor, Gabor, gomor, hikor, honor, humor, indor, Izbor, Jegor, jędor, juror, kamor, kolor, Lubor, major, menor, minor, mipor, motor, Nabor, panor, peror, podor, polor, ponor, prior, resor, retor, rotor, rumor, rygor, sapor, Sator, sikor, sokor, sopor, tabor, tenor, Tibor, Tudor, tumor, walor, wapor, wątor, wigor, zapor, zator,

6: Agenor, amator, anafor, Apator, asesor, atanor, bachor, basior, Bianor, bisior, Bolbor, Bosfor, bucior, Czabor, czador, Czębor, diafor, Diodor, doktor, duktor, emitor, epifor, faktor, Fiodor, fosfor, gąsior, gęsior, Hasior, Hektor, horror, Izydor, jezior, junior, kamfor, kantor, kawior, kizior, klamor, kondor, kontor, kosior, kupror, kursor, lektor, Leonor, liktor, luidor, machor, macior, mentor, meteor, Nadbor, Niebor, orator, Pandor, pisior, podkor, pretor, przeor, rankor, raptor, rektor, rokfor, saflor, Sambor, sambor, sektor, senior, sensor, signor, stator, stępor, stupor, Ścibor, tambor, Taylor, tensor, Teodor, terror, tremor, trifor, turgor, tussor, wektor, wersor, Wiator, wiktor, Wiktor, wisior, Wojbor, wycior, wysfor, zacior,

7: adiafor, aerator, agresor, albakor, Antenor, armator, athanor, awiator, biochor, Blizbor, Bolebor, Bożebor, ciecior, Czcibor, Dalebor, Dalegor, Dalibor, debitor, delator, diaspor, Domabor, domator, donator, dozator, Dziebor, efektor, ejektor, Ekwador, ekwator, elektor, Eleonor, emulsor, eżektor, Falibor, filofor, fleksor, folklor, fumator, funktor, Helidor, humidor, izochor, kamelor, kanefor, kędzior, klangor, kolator, komodor, kreator, kurator, legator, lokator, Lutobor, matador, Mącibor, metafor, mezotor, Miłobor, Minodor, monitor, Mścibor, murator, Mylibor, negator, Nicefor, niesfor, Nikanor, Nikifor, nowator, ofensor, Osiębor, outdoor, pikador, Polidor, pomidor, posesor, Prochor, prosfor, Przebor, przetor, Przybor, przypor, punktor, Racibor, racimor, racymor, Ratibor, reaktor, relator, rotator, ryzofor, sanator, sekator, semafor, senator, sponsor, Stentor, stresor, stridor, Sulibor, sumator, sykomor, traktor, więcior, Wolebor, wstęgor, Wszebor, zadzior, Zdzibor, zelator, znachor, zoospor,

8: abduktor, adduktor, adorator, agitator, akceptor, akuzator, aligator, animator, apelator, Atenodor, bandzior, behawior, bezkolor, biomotor, Bodzepor, cystofor, Czścibor, defensor, deflator, detektor, dewiator, diplopor, direktor, dyktator, dyrektor, dysektor, dyshonor, Dziwigor, edukator, egzaktor, egzospor, eksaktor, elewator, emulator, endospor, epanafor, firmator, fundator, glosator, gwiazdor, heliodor, Heliodor, heliofor, hydrofor, imitator, impresor, induktor, iniektor, interior, inwentor, inwersor, inżektor, irygator, izolator, kalafior, kapeador, kladofor, Kociebor, kolektor, komandor, komondor, konfesor, korektor, koruptor, labrador, laktator, laudator, madrepor, mantikor, mantykor, mediator, megaspor, Melchior, melchior, merkator, miniator, muchomor, Myślibor, narrator, Nasiębor, niehonor, niehumor, nieszpor, nitrator, operator, ozonator, paździor, perlator, półkolor, procesor, profesor, promotor, prozator, Przedbor, przezior, pulsator, radiator, receptor, redaktor, reduktor, Salvador, Salwador, salwator, Salwator, scriptor, seduktor, selektor, serwitor, skryptor, skulptor, Sławobor, Sobiebor, splendor, Stanibor, Strzebor, styropor, sukcesor, superior, taksator, tatuator, Telesfor, tentator, termidor, termofor, testator, toreador, turbator, wibrator, Wielebor, wildamor, Wyszebor, zakapior, Zdziebor, zygospor,

9: adaptator, admirator, agregator, aktywator, alarmator, ambasador, anemochor, antecesor, antychlor, aplikator, aspirator, augustdor, balneator, blastopor, chlorator, Chociebor, chromofor, Cieszybor, Cieszygor, confiteor, cyzelator, Czarnohor, Częstobor, decymator, defekator, defilator, definitor, deflektor, degazator, dekorator, depilator, detonator, ekspandor, ekspiator, ekstensor, eksykator, emulgator, eskalator, estymator, Excelsior, fermentor, filtrator, fructidor, generator, gladiator, hymenofor, imperator, indagator, indykator, inhalator, inhibitor, inicjator, inkubator, innowator, inspektor, jonizator, kalikator, kastrator, kawitator, kolimator, kolokator, kompandor, komprador, kompresor, komutator, kondensor, konduktor, konrektor, konsenior, konsultor, kontaktor, kontrolor, konwektor, konwiktor, korelator, koronator, kunktator, laminator, licytator, luminator, luminofor, lustrator, macerator, makrospor, mandragor, mikroflor, mikrospor, modelator, moderator, modulator, monsinior, motywator, nawigator, Niesiebor, niwelator, numerator, obdżektor, ondulator, ordonator, ordynator, oscylator, paginator, passiflor, perceptor, plagiator, plantator, Pomścibor, preceptor, prekursor, projektor, propretor, prorektor, prosektor, protektor, prożektor, rafinator, recytator, redemptor, reflektor, refraktor, regulator, renowator, reparator, reperator, rewelator, rezonator, saturator, selfaktor, separator, Sieciebor, skrutator, spektator, Strogobor, stygmator, surogator, suspensor, symulator, szczypior, sztukator, szyfrator, Świętobor, tabulator, thermidor, torreador, traduktor, trochofor, undulator, uzurpator, welomotor, wizytator, Włościbor, wobulator,

10: adiustator, akumulator, alternator, analizator, asekurator, asenizator, asymilator, atomizator, autokrator, benefaktor, chemizator, defibrator, degustator, dehydrator, dekantator, deklamator, deklinator, demaskator, demulgator, deprawator, destruktor, destylator, destynator, dewastator, dializator, dysputator, ecydiospor, ekscerptor, ekscytator, ekskawator, ekstraktor, ekstynktor, elektrofor, eliminator, fabrykator, fascynator, flokulator, fonoamator, fotoamator, fotometeor, granulator, gubernator, honoracjor, hydromotor, iluminator, ilustrator, impulsator, informator, inklinator, inspirator, instalator, instruktor, instygator, insynuator, integrator, kalafaktor, kalefaktor, kalibrator, kalifaktor, kalkulator, kalwakator, karburator, kawalkator, koagulator, kombinator, komendator, komentator, komparator, kompilator, kongelator, konidiofor, koniunktor, kooperator, koprocesor, kultywator, lakrymator, legislator, likwidator, litometeor, machinator, meliorator, negocjator, obserwator, okulizator, ozonizator, pelengator, perforator, perkolator, pionizator, postulator, powielator, preparator, profanator, prokurator, propagator, propinator, protraktor, prowokator, Przysnobor, publikator, realizator, reanimator, reedukator, reformator, replikator, respirator, rubrykator, segregator, serwomotor, spekulator, speleoflor, stylizator, stymulator, sublokator, synoptofor, syntezator, teleceptor, terminator, translator, trepanator, triumfator, tryumfator, Trzebiebor, turbulator, unifikator, utylizator, wentylator, windykator,

11: abbrewiator, akcelerator, aktywizator, alimentator, amortyzator, aprowizator, archaizator, artykulator, auskultator, chromatofor, cywilizator, deflegmator, dejonizator, dekapilator, dekompresor, demodulator, demotywator, denaturator, denuncjator, deszyfrator, dezynfektor, dyspergator, echolokator, egzaminator, ekranizator, eksplorator, ekstyrpator, fermentator, ferrofosfor, fluidyzator, humanizator, hydrometeor, immunizator, impregnator, inaktywator, inseminator, introduktor, kaloryzator, kalumniator, kanalizator, katalizator, kodyfikator, kolaborator, kolonizator, koloryzator, kompensator, komunikator, kondensator, konfiskator, konidiospor, konsekrator, konserwator, konspirator, konstruktor, kontestator, kontratenor, kontynuator, koordynator, kotonizator, Krzysztopor, kwashiorkor, kwasziorkor, latynizator, legalizator, lokalizator, manipulator, mikrometeor, modyfikator, moralizator, napoleondor, nebulizator, nomenklator, nowelizator, optymizator, organizator, pacyfikator, paletyzator, paralizator, pneumatofor, polaryzator, polemizator, polonizator, preselektor, programator, puryfikator, radioamator, radiofosfor, regenerator, regestrator, registrator, rejestrator, rekuperator, reproduktor, restaurator, rusyfikator, solicytator, stanislador, stromatopor, tambormajor, tamburmajor, taryfikator, technicolor, technikolor, totalizator, transduktor, weryfikator, wicekurator,

12: akompaniator, amplifikator, argumentator, baroreceptor, beletryzator, chlamidospor, defibrylator, dekortykator, demonstrator, eksploatator, ekwiwalentor, elektromotor, elektryzator, falsyfikator, fortyfikator, fotodetektor, fotoreceptor, galwanizator, germanizator, gestykulator, gloryfikator, herboryzator, hydrolokator, hydromonitor, improwizator, inscenizator, interpelator, introligator, karbonizator, karboryzator, karburyzator, kinooperator, klasyfikator, klimatyzator, koncentrator, konfabulator, konkwistador, kontemplator, kwalifikator, liofilizator, magnetyzator, marmoryzator, mechanizator, mikroreaktor, mistyfikator, modernizator, motoreduktor, nadinspektor, nadkonduktor, nitryfikator, normalizator, orkiestrator, pasteryzator, perlustrator, planifikator, podinspektor, prenumerator, prywatyzator, Przemyślibor, pulweryzator, radiolokator, reasekurator, rekomendator, rekryminator, rektyfikator, sekwestrator, skaryfikator, stabilizator, sterylizator, sygnalizator, syntetyzator, termolokator, touroperator, transfokator, triangulator, turboreaktor, wersyfikator, wicedyrektor, współlokator, wulgaryzator, wulkanizator, żelazofosfor,

13: administrator, antydetonator, centralizator, chemoreceptor, dekomunizator, dekonstruktor, demoralizator, depolaryzator, dezintegrator, dezodoryzator, dezyntegrator, dyskryminator, eksterminator, elektrometeor, flegmatyzator, fotoluminofor, gazogenerator, generalizator, homogenizator, hydroelewator, identyfikator, interpretator, kardiomonitor, krystalizator, kwantyfikator, mikroprocesor, mineralizator, monochromator, multiplikator, multiwibrator, multyplikator, nadgubernator, nadprokurator, neuromediator, neutralizator, oberkonduktor, optymalizator, plastyfikator, podprokurator, popularyzator, proprioceptor, radiooperator, rehabilitator, rekonstruktor, reorganizator, supergwiazdor, termoizolator, termoreceptor, transformator, współfundator, współredaktor, współsukcesor,

14: biokatalizator, demistyfikator, denitryfikator, destabilizator, hydrogenerator, instrumentator, interoreceptor, inwentaryzator, krioekstraktor, melodeklamator, minikalkulator, neokolonizator, oberprokurator, racjonalizator, radiofonizator, radionawigator, sensybilizator, synchronizator, termoregulator, trankwilizator, turbogenerator, turbokompresor, wicegubernator, wiceprokurator,

15: biostabilizator, charakteryzator, eksperymentator, eksteroreceptor, katodoluminofor, mechanoreceptor, prestidigitator, proprioreceptor, radiopelengator, radiostymulator, termoakumulator, termowentylator, turbowentylator, współrealizator,

16: kardiostymulator, mikromanipulator, stereokomparator, współorganizator,

17: autotransformator, elektroinstalator, elektrostymulator,

18: fotosensybilizator,

Rymy z podziałem na część mowy

rzeczowniki: abbrewiator, abduktor, adaptator, adduktor, adiafor, adiustator, administrator, admirator, adorator, aerator, agitator, agor, agregator, agresor, akcelerator, akceptor, akompaniator, aktor, aktywator, aktywizator, akumulator, akuzator, alarmator, albakor, aligator, alimentator, alternator, amator, ambasador, amfor, amor, amortyzator, amplifikator, anafor, analizator, anemochor, angor, animator, antecesor, Antenor, antychlor, antydetonator, Apator, apelator, aplikator, aprowizator, archaizator, argumentator, armator, artykulator, asekurator, asenizator, asesor, aspirator, asymilator, atanor, athanor, atomizator, augustdor, auskultator, autokrator, autotransformator, awiator, bachor, bajor, balneator, bandzior, baroreceptor, basior, Bator, behawior, beletryzator, benefaktor, bezkolor, biochor, biokatalizator, biomotor, biostabilizator, bisior, blastopor, bodor, bor, Bosfor, bucior, bufor, Cecor, centralizator, charakteryzator, chemizator, chemoreceptor, chlamidospor, chlor, chlorator, chromatofor, chromofor, cibor, ciecior, confiteor, cykor, cystofor, cywilizator, cyzelator, czador, Czarnohor, Dalibor, debitor, decymator, defekator, defensor, defibrator, defibrylator, defilator, definitor, deflator, deflegmator, deflektor, degazator, degustator, dehydrator, dejonizator, dekantator, dekapilator, deklamator, deklinator, dekompresor, dekomunizator, dekonstruktor, dekor, dekorator, dekortykator, delator, demaskator, demistyfikator, demodulator, demonstrator, demoralizator, demotywator, demulgator, denaturator, denitryfikator, denuncjator, depilator, depolaryzator, deprawator, destabilizator, destruktor, destylator, destynator, deszyfrator, detektor, detonator, dewastator, dewiator, dezintegrator, dezodoryzator, dezynfektor, dezyntegrator, diafor, dializator, diaspor, Dior, diplopor, direktor, doktor, domator, donator, donor, dozator, duktor, dyktator, dyrektor, dysektor, dyshonor, dyskryminator, dyspergator, dysputator, echolokator, ecydiospor, edukator, efektor, efor, egzaktor, egzaminator, egzospor, ejektor, ekranizator, eksaktor, ekscerptor, ekscytator, ekskawator, ekspandor, eksperymentator, ekspiator, eksploatator, eksplorator, ekstensor, eksterminator, eksteroreceptor, ekstraktor, ekstynktor, ekstyrpator, eksykator, Ekwador, ekwator, ekwiwalentor, elektor, elektrofor, elektroinstalator, elektrometeor, elektromotor, elektrostymulator, elektryzator, elewator, eliminator, emitor, empor, emulator, emulgator, emulsor, endospor, epanafor, epifor, error, eskalator, estymator, Excelsior, eżektor, fabrykator, faktor, falsyfikator, fascynator, fermentator, fermentor, ferrofosfor, fetor, filofor, filtrator, Fiodor, firmator, flegmatyzator, fleksor, flokulator, flor, fluidyzator, folklor, fonoamator, for, fortyfikator, fosfor, fotoamator, fotodetektor, fotoluminofor, fotometeor, fotoreceptor, fotosensybilizator, fructidor, fumator, fundator, funktor, furor, galwanizator, gazogenerator, gąsior, generalizator, generator, germanizator, gestykulator, gęsior, gladiator, gloryfikator, glosator, gomor, granulator, gubernator, gwiazdor, Hasior, Helidor, heliodor, heliofor, herboryzator, hikor, homogenizator, honor, honoracjor, hor, horror, humanizator, humidor, humor, hydroelewator, hydrofor, hydrogenerator, hydrolokator, hydrometeor, hydromonitor, hydromotor, hymenofor, identyfikator, iluminator, ilustrator, imitator, immunizator, imperator, impregnator, impresor, improwizator, impulsator, inaktywator, indagator, indor, induktor, indykator, informator, inhalator, inhibitor, inicjator, iniektor, inklinator, inkubator, innowator, inscenizator, inseminator, inspektor, inspirator, instalator, instruktor, instrumentator, instygator, insynuator, integrator, interior, interoreceptor, interpelator, interpretator, introduktor, introligator, inwentaryzator, inwentor, inwersor, inżektor, irygator, izochor, izolator, Jegor, jezior, jędor, jonizator, jor, junior, juror, kalafaktor, kalafior, kalefaktor, kalibrator, kalifaktor, kalikator, kalkulator, kaloryzator, kalumniator, kalwakator, kamelor, kamfor, kamor, kanalizator, kanefor, kantor, kapeador, karbonizator, karboryzator, karburator, karburyzator, kardiomonitor, kardiostymulator, kastrator, katalizator, katodoluminofor, kawalkator, kawior, kawitator, kędzior, kinooperator, kizior, kladofor, klamor, klangor, klasyfikator, klimatyzator, koagulator, kodyfikator, kolaborator, kolator, kolektor, kolimator, kolokator, kolonizator, kolor, koloryzator, komandor, kombinator, komendator, komentator, komodor, komondor, kompandor, komparator, kompensator, kompilator, komprador, kompresor, komunikator, komutator, koncentrator, kondensator, kondensor, kondor, konduktor, konfabulator, konfesor, konfiskator, kongelator, konidiofor, konidiospor, koniunktor, konkwistador, konrektor, konsekrator, konsenior, konserwator, konspirator, konstruktor, konsultor, kontaktor, kontemplator, kontestator, kontor, kontratenor, kontrolor, kontynuator, konwektor, konwiktor, kooperator, koordynator, koprocesor, kor, korektor, korelator, koronator, koruptor, kosior, kotonizator, kreator, krioekstraktor, krystalizator, kultywator, kunktator, kupror, kurator, kursor, kwalifikator, kwantyfikator, kwashiorkor, kwasziorkor, labrador, lakrymator, laktator, laminator, latynizator, laudator, legalizator, legator, legislator, lektor, licytator, liktor, likwidator, liofilizator, litometeor, lokalizator, lokator, lor, luidor, luminator, luminofor, lustrator, macerator, machinator, machor, macior, madrepor, magnetyzator, major, makrospor, mandragor, manipulator, mantikor, mantykor, marmoryzator, matador, mechanizator, mechanoreceptor, mediator, megaspor, melchior, meliorator, melodeklamator, menor, mentor, merkator, metafor, meteor, mezotor, mikroflor, mikromanipulator, mikrometeor, mikroprocesor, mikroreaktor, mikrospor, mineralizator, miniator, minikalkulator, minor, mipor, mistyfikator, modelator, moderator, modernizator, modulator, modyfikator, monitor, monochromator, monsinior, mor, moralizator, motor, motoreduktor, motywator, muchomor, multiplikator, multiwibrator, multyplikator, murator, Mylibor, nadgubernator, nadinspektor, nadkonduktor, nadprokurator, napoleondor, narrator, nawigator, nebulizator, negator, negocjator, neokolonizator, neuromediator, neutralizator, niehonor, niehumor, niesfor, nieszpor, nitrator, nitryfikator, niwelator, nomenklator, nor, normalizator, nowator, nowelizator, numerator, obdżektor, oberkonduktor, oberprokurator, obserwator, ofensor, okulizator, ondulator, operator, optymalizator, optymizator, orator, ordonator, ordynator, organizator, orkiestrator, oscylator, outdoor, ozonator, ozonizator, pacyfikator, paginator, paletyzator, Pandor, panor, paralizator, passiflor, pasteryzator, paździor, pelengator, perceptor, perforator, perkolator, perlator, perlustrator, peror, pikador, pionizator, pisior, plagiator, planifikator, plantator, plastyfikator, pneumatofor, podinspektor, podkor, podor, podprokurator, polaryzator, polemizator, polonizator, polor, pomidor, ponor, popularyzator, por, posesor, postulator, powielator, półkolor, preceptor, prekursor, prenumerator, preparator, preselektor, prestidigitator, pretor, prior, procesor, profanator, profesor, programator, projektor, prokurator, promotor, propagator, propinator, propretor, proprioceptor, proprioreceptor, prorektor, prosektor, prosfor, protektor, protraktor, prowokator, prozator, prożektor, prywatyzator, przeor, przetor, przezior, przypor, publikator, pulsator, pulweryzator, punktor, puryfikator, racimor, racjonalizator, racymor, radiator, radioamator, radiofonizator, radiofosfor, radiolokator, radionawigator, radiooperator, radiopelengator, radiostymulator, rafinator, rankor, raptor, reaktor, realizator, reanimator, reasekurator, receptor, recytator, redaktor, redemptor, reduktor, reedukator, reflektor, reformator, refraktor, regenerator, regestrator, registrator, regulator, rehabilitator, rejestrator, rekomendator, rekonstruktor, rekryminator, rektor, rektyfikator, rekuperator, relator, renowator, reorganizator, reparator, reperator, replikator, reproduktor, resor, respirator, restaurator, retor, rewelator, rezonator, rokfor, rotator, rotor, rubrykator, rumor, rusyfikator, rygor, ryzofor, saflor, salwator, sambor, sanator, sapor, saturator, scriptor, seduktor, segregator, sekator, sektor, sekwestrator, selektor, selfaktor, semafor, senator, senior, sensor, sensybilizator, separator, serwitor, serwomotor, sfor, signor, sikor, skaryfikator, skrutator, skryptor, skulptor, sokor, solicytator, sopor, spektator, spekulator, speleoflor, splendor, sponsor, spor, stabilizator, stanislador, stator, Stentor, stereokomparator, sterylizator, stępor, stresor, stridor, stromatopor, stupor, stygmator, stylizator, stymulator, styropor, sublokator, sukcesor, sumator, supergwiazdor, superior, surogator, suspensor, sygnalizator, sykomor, symulator, synchronizator, synoptofor, syntetyzator, syntezator, szczypior, sztukator, szyfrator, tabor, tabulator, taksator, tambor, tambormajor, tamburmajor, taryfikator, tatuator, Taylor, technicolor, technikolor, teleceptor, tenor, tensor, tentator, termidor, terminator, termoakumulator, termofor, termoizolator, termolokator, termoreceptor, termoregulator, termowentylator, terror, testator, thermidor, tor, toreador, torreador, totalizator, touroperator, traduktor, traktor, trankwilizator, transduktor, transfokator, transformator, translator, tremor, trepanator, triangulator, trifor, triumfator, trochofor, tryumfator, Tudor, tumor, turbator, turbogenerator, turbokompresor, turboreaktor, turbowentylator, turbulator, turgor, tussor, umor, undulator, unifikator, utylizator, uzurpator, walor, wapor, wątor, wektor, welomotor, wentylator, wersor, wersyfikator, weryfikator, wibrator, wicedyrektor, wicegubernator, wicekurator, wiceprokurator, więcior, wigor, wiktor, wildamor, windykator, wior, wisior, wizytator, wobulator, współfundator, współlokator, współorganizator, współrealizator, współredaktor, współsukcesor, wstęgor, wulgaryzator, wulkanizator, wycior, wysfor, zacior, zadzior, zakapior, zaor, zapor, zator, zelator, zmor, znachor, zoospor, zygospor, żelazofosfor,

imiona: Agenor, Andor, Atenodor, Auror, Bianor, Blizbor, Bodzepor, Bolbor, Bolebor, Bożebor, Chociebor, Cibor, Cieszybor, Cieszygor, Czabor, Czcibor, Czębor, Częstobor, Czścibor, Dalebor, Dalegor, Debor, Diodor, Domabor, Dor, Dziebor, Dziwigor, Eleonor, Falibor, Flor, Gabor, Hektor, Heliodor, Igor, Izbor, Izydor, Kociebor, Krzysztopor, Leonor, Lor, Lubor, Lutobor, Mącibor, Melchior, Miłobor, Minodor, Mścibor, Myślibor, Nabor, Nadbor, Nasiębor, Nicefor, Niebor, Niesiebor, Nikanor, Nikifor, Nor, Osiębor, Polidor, Pomścibor, Prochor, Przebor, Przedbor, Przemyślibor, Przybor, Przysnobor, Racibor, Ratibor, Salvador, Salwador, Salwator, Sambor, Sator, Sieciebor, Sławobor, Sobiebor, Stanibor, Strogobor, Strzebor, Sulibor, Ścibor, Świętobor, Telesfor, Teodor, Thor, Tibor, Trzebiebor, Wiator, Wielebor, Wiktor, Włościbor, Wojbor, Wolebor, Wszebor, Wyszebor, Zdzibor, Zdziebor,

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